Made by oppressors

Immediately after setting fire to the Moroccan flag by a Moroccan woman during a protest demonstration in Paris criticism came from all corners and the action was swiftly labelled as being unpatriotic and was even labelled as treason.

What seems to be totally forgotten and left away because it suits those in power in Morocco is the simple fact that indeed this flag came to be because the in 1912 appointed resident general in Morocco Louis-Hubert-Gonzalve Lyautey.

Lyautey who built the French protectorate over Morocco replaced, after routing the so-called insurgent tribes in Fes the sultan Moulay Hafid by his ‘more reliable’ brother Moulay Yusuf and he had the latter proclaim by a so-called ‘Dahir’ (i.e. royal decree) that the flag that we know now is the official flag of Morocco.


So basically no matter what your feelings may be as far as this flag is concerned it was ‘made’ by a colonial general and a Moroccan collaborator with colonial France. Furthermore the five points of the green interlaced pentangle are meant to represent Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice. Should we measure these values to contemporary Morocco we would be left with no other conclusion that this is a sham.

Morocco as it is now and as it has been from 1956 (i.e. the so-called independence) is basically a failed country that is being plundered by a gang that is in power and remains in power because they have a fine-tuned working propaganda machine that convinces the masses that patriotism is all about accepting the status-quo and everyone who criticizes the regime is promoting fitna (i.e. a state of turmoil).

Whether you agree or disagree with the burning of the Moroccan flag is up to you but whatever your view is remember that this flag is nothing to be proud of and that the country where our roots lay is only in name our country but in reality the country of those who plunder and put people in jail and torture them simply for stating the facts and asking for a life of dignity and a state of prosperity.


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