The Moroccan Trinity

Allah,The Motherland,The People

One of the most indoctrinating spearheads used by the Moroccan regime is the slogan ‘Allah, Al Watan, Al malik’ (i.e. Allah, The Motherland, The king) by stating this as the almost sacred Trinity the royal family can rest assured that the Moroccan people recognize and proclaim the assumed near equality of those three parties that form the Trinity.

More and more the Moroccan people have replaced ‘the king’ by ‘the people’ such because of the fact that the Moroccan king also claims the title ‘King of the faithful’ but his actions suggest otherwise. Also the Moroccan royal family claims to be the descendants of the prophet (pbuh) a claim that is basically unsubstantiated and is merely used to strengthen its position and insure itself of the unconditional obedience of the Moroccan people.

Claiming that the Western Sahara deserves to be independent is considered treason since the regime indoctrinated the Moroccan people that the territorial integrity is also near sacred, meanwhile Spain still dominates the cities Ceuta and Melilla in the northern part of the country. Also the wish of many inhabitants of northern Morocco to establish an independent Rif-republic is seen as highly reprehensible since it violates that same territorial integrity.

Meanwhile the riches of Morocco is controlled and plundered by a few who tolerate no contradiction whatsoever, the so-called elections are nothing more than a farce since no matter what the outcome of any election only the party that is designated by those in power will end up as the winner.

The anti-terrorism laws are used to get rid of anyone who is opposed to those in power and by using those laws any criticism of the West is nipped in the bud. The Islam is also misused and violated since everyone who wishes to criticize the status quo in Morocco as not Islamic is labelled as a radical or a religious fanatic.

The so-called constitution states that Morocco is an Islamic country but in reality the country is so far away from this religion as a country can be. Corruption, prostitution, paedophilia and lawlessness are reigning Morocco and everyone who asks for a life of dignity and prosperity risks getting arrested, thrown in jail and tortured.


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